
I’m a Pharmacist who was looking after my patients in the past until 2015. Ten years ago, I found out my passion: BAZI. Actually I started with Feng Shui then I realized that I was studying hours after hours and never feeling tired. During this period, I tried to read everything I could get about Bazi from the best masters in the world, but since I was far from my home town and lost the chance to learn with the masters there, I decided to enroll on some courses, specially one where I can have a close student-teacher relationship, which let me to ask whatever questions that I had to improve my knowledge. I found a Master who is keen to teach and I am very greatful that he doesn’t mind answering me and patiently explains every detail even when I post a long page of questions.

After all these years of training and learning, I decided to write a blog just to continue my searching and learning from others too.

As a Pharmacist, one of the most important things is to find out if my patients were taking the right medicine or the correct doses for their disease. Sometimes we had to try to identify the real problems they have by the descriptions given.

With Bazi, I want to do the same: try to identify the real problem, when it will happen and if it is possible, a kind of “cure” to minimize. At least I wanna try.


**凤颜 Feng Yan**

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thank you for unselfishly sharing your knowledge. It helps a lot of us beginners in Bazi. Keep it up and more power to you!

  2. Thank you for plotting the chart to help me memorised the “clash, harm, destruction and punishment” elements. I’m new to BaZi but always have an interest in it 🙂

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